Oaklynn’s Response
During a pandemic situation such as COVID-19, Aotearoa New Zealand’s response is directed by the government and in particular the Ministry of Health. Oaklynn, as with all schools in Aotearoa is instructed to follow the guidelines provided by the Ministry of Education. These guidelines as to how we work in schools are delivered via the Ministry of Education’s regular Bulletins. Any public health measures and advice are determined in collaboration with the Ministry of Health. If any decisions are to be made at a school level, the Oaklynn Board of Trustees guides this process in consultation with the school's Senior Leadership Team.
During pandemic times, Oaklynn continues to operate in a way that holds hauora, whanaungatanga and manaakitanga at the heart of how we do things.
We know that lockdowns bring extra pressure and stress to some of our families. The manaakitanga initiative is available to help out any family that needs a little extra help. In recent lockdowns, this support group has provided families with food parcels and other assistance. Please email us at manaakitanga@oaklynn.school.nz with any request for support - no matter how little or big.
An overview of health measures for returning to school - Orange and Green Level
Children at higher risk of illness from COVID-19
They are encouraged to take additional precautions when leaving home.
Parents, caregivers and students will need to work with the school to develop a plan to support attendance onsite.
Physical distancing
Physical distancing is strongly encouraged, particularly from people you don’t know.
In primary settings, if cases are proportionately higher in your community, consider whether classroom groupings are possible to minimise potential spread.
For activities with large numbers of students, if they are to go ahead, should take place in well-ventilated areas or outdoors.
Physical distancing is not a requirement. (Green ONLY)
Staff working across different groups
Staff can work across more than one group/class of students within the school.
Staff such as itinerant music teachers and relief teachers will be able to work across different schools.
As with all staff, they should closely monitor for symptoms, stay home if unwell, and get tested if symptomatic.
Children with complex medical needs and/or not vaccinated Parents, whānau, and carers are recommended to seek advice from their health professional about whether it is safe and appropriate for their child / young person to attend school on site.
All staff are fully vaccinated (2 doses of vaccine)
All learners are encouraged to be vaccinated
Classes are encouraged to open windows and doors where possible to aid ventilation.
All classes and offices spaces will have air purifiers to support good air quality
Face coverings
At Oaklynn all staff are now mandated to wear approved masks when indoors. The Ministry of Education will provide masks for school staff.
Must be worn by learners aged 8 years and over.
There will be learners that are unable to wear masks due to their medical condition or sensory needs. We will support families to get exemptions if required.
There will be some staff who have a mask exemption.